Friday, January 29, 2010

Just a quick are all the Monkey Wrench blocks from quilting class. This week we are suppose to square all our blocks and sew them together. I think it's cool how completely different everyones quilts are turning out.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Monkey Wrench

This weeks assignment it to make all my Monkey Wrench blocks. I will be working on those today as well as taking on another project! I'm going to make a baby blanket for my friend Michele's baby. Baby Nicholas will be here in 6 weeks or so, hopefully I can get the quilt finished by then. I have 5 weeks left in class, and I will be playing catch up with the Nicholas' quilt today. Yes, I'm going to attempt to make 2 quilts at the same time!! And they are totally different!!! The second quilt is going to be in a "Courthouse Step" pattern.

Here are the fabric's for my Michele's baby quilt....

Friday, January 15, 2010

Knitting Projects

Here is my first cable hat!! They were a lot easier than I thought. I ended the hat a little to quickly because it came out a tad small. So, it's a hat for Jackson! I'm really bad at figuring out when to start shaping. The instructions said to start at 5 inches....well, that didn't work out so well! Plus I'm a tight knitter, I don't think that helps at all. The hat in my profile picture was made by my friend Kellie's "sizzor", Colleen. Her hat has a nice loose knit. Maybe I need to try a bigger gage needle.....yeah! More to buy!!!

I'm also knitting a fabulous scarf. Maybe for me...maybe for someone special! Who knows. The yarn changes colors about every 2 rows. I cast on 25 stitches and I'm doing it in a stockinette stitch. I tried a seed stitch, but it looked to busy with all the color changes. I know I chose a boring stitch, but the yarn is SO pretty!!! The yarn is by Noro Iro and I love it!!

Quilting Class (week 2)

For last weeks home work we cut our fabric into 3 1/2 strips. This was pretty easy with the rotary blade. I think I had them all finished in about 30 minutes. I cut them up last Sunday when it was to cold to do anything other than sit by the fire and watch movies.

This week we learned how to use our 1/4 inch foot to make a 1/4 inch seam. I think I'm a little generous with my seam because my final block is a bit short. The instructor says as long as I'm consistent, it should all work out. We shall see!!!

So this weeks homework is to sew all the strips together and cut them into more strips and then sew them together to make 3x3 blocks.

Here is everyone's blocks on the felt wall.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Quilting 101

This is the sample of what I will have made by the end of my 8 week quilting class.

These are the colors I choose.
Refrencing the above quilt:
The light blue on top will be the white squares.
The teal blue will be the pink squares.
The dark brown with dots will be black inner squares
The floral print will be the outer black boarder.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Just a little scarf!


They Holidays are FINALLY past us! Phew! Now I can get back to sewing and knitting without feeling like I'm under the gun. I've been working on this scarf since just before Christmas. I was teaching some friends to knit one night over wine and picked up this scane to use to teach with. I HAVE been meaning to make this scarf for some time. I'd already made the hat to match a while back for Lisa, a woman I work with, So here it is!!!!